Happy New Year! From the Principal
The Feast of the Epiphany follows quickly on the heels of New Year’s. Both events offer us opportunities to ponder, reflect and plan. Traditionally at New Year’s we resolve to make so many improvements in the coming year. We make bold plans to exercise daily, to eat more vegetables, and to manage our time.
Six days later we are asked to turn our focus to the Epiphany and to the wonder of the Holy Spirit. Would we recognize the Messiah in the little baby? Are we following the right star? The Wise Men encourage us to look deeply at ourselves and our plans for the coming year. Then we can add to our resolutions. This year, we will see Christ in every one. We will live out the mission of the school by having the courage to act for the common good. We will exercise and encourage others to lead healthy lives. We will manage our time so that we have time for God and for our community.
At school, we are looking forward, not just at 2016, but at the next five to ten years. Faculty teams are examining teaching methodology, assessment, curriculum, resources, student support strategies as we continue to work on the self-study. Once we have the initial draft, we will work together to determine goals for the next six years. Last night, we had the first of two Discovery Workshops for the purpose of renewing and revising the campus-wide facilities plan. Representatives from our various councils and commissions worked together to begin articulating our future. Thank you to those parents who attended. We will keep you posted as the details of our campus-wide facilities plan become more refined.
The light we follow, that star in the sky, is the future for our children in the school and parish.
Blessings for 2016,
Bernadette O’Leary