Open House News
We have held two well attended open houses so far with one more left–the All School Open House on Sunday, January 31. Help is still needed. To volunteer, sign up here. I really appreciate all the support and help I have received at both the Preschool/Kindergarten Open House and the Q & A with Ms. O’Leary. It makes such a difference to have our parents involved in welcoming prospective families. Special thanks go out to the following parents for their support: Nancy Alton, Anne Belen, Christine Craig, Judy Corkum, Kara & Michael Daquisto, Wilo & Hunter Dietrich, Peter Doyle, Kimberly James, Gretchen Kudla, Julie Lee, Caroli Leiman, Becky Masters, Glorilyn Maw, Anna McCarthy, Kinsey McCorkmick, Kari-Mae Miles, Kevin Rivers, Susan Turner.