From the Principal – Lent

Fr. Crispin delighted the primary students when he borrowed the jump rope and skipped with them at recess! I think his heart was light and gladdened after Mass with the fourth graders. They delighted him with their participation as they responded to the prayers and participated along with him. During the homily they described their Lenten promises. They told him how they and their families are fasting and putting their money in the Rice Bowls, they are praying more and doing more chores at home, they are being extra kind to siblings. Parents, you will want Lent to last all year long!

Thank you for completing registration and facilitation. We are very grateful to the parishioners who donated so much time at being here for our community.

Congratulations to Portia E., Gr. 6 who has qualified to compete in the state level National Geographic Bee!  Join me in wishing her all the very best!

Fancy tasting some great wines this weekend? Join us at the Masonic Lodge on Greenwood for the Wine Event! Next weekend, imagine yourself on the grasslands in Africa as the middle schoolers, under the direction of Mrs. Katie Franklin present The Lion King, Jr.

St. John School is a hive of activity!

God Bless,
