From the Principal

Dear Families,

We thank God that no one was seriously hurt in the explosion early Wednesday morning. We pray for all those involved in the businesses affected by the blast. Once again, we see the immediate response and kindheartedness of the community here in Greenwood. Prayers and questions and suggestions about what we could do to help echoed throughout the school. Initial responses include the students making prayer butterflies for the business people and next week we will add Greenwood to our St. Patrick’s Day celebration. March 17th is Green 4 Greenwood Day! Wear green and bring green$!  Remember also, we will have bagpipes and the drum to march us into school!

Students in grades 3 – 8 received the Sacrament of Reconciliation this week as they prepare for Easter.  Parents, you have an opportunity to attend the communal service and confession on Monday evening, March 14 at 7pm.  Lenten good works continue – continue to fill up those Rice Bowls, attend the Soup Suppers, and pray.  One of our fifth grade classes is doing the Read to Feed project – they are reading to buy a heifer with the Heifer Project and the seventh graders are learning about Missionary Discipleship at Seattle University, and will present a proposal for service to members from Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, SU students, and other seventh grade students from around the Archdiocese.

Believe it or not, the third trimester begins on Monday!   Report cards and STAR reading progress reports will be sent home on Thursday, March 17, which is a half-day.  There is no school for the students on March 18 – the teachers have to go to class!


Bernadette O’Leary