The Paschal Triduum
The liturgies of the next few days will take us through the last days Jesus spent spent on earth as man. At Holy Thursday Mass we will remember how he modeled servant leadership and instituted the Eucharist. On Friday we will pray the Stations of the Cross. On Saturday, we will keep vigil with Jesus as we remember how He lay in the tomb and we will prepare for His glorious resurrection on Easter Sunday. These liturgies celebrate not only what once happened to Jesus, but what is happening now among us, a community held together by faith and mission. We gather together because we believe that together we, St John Parishioners, can be empowered disciples, a community that lives out the beatitudes, that is rich in fair share and compassion, one that stands by Jesus and lives out the hope of His Resurrection.
You showed that vision of hope when you generously supported the Green 4 Greenwood. You sent in over $2,800! Thank you! You demonstrated your compassion as you filled those rice bowls! Please bring them to Mass tonight or to the Stations tomorrow.
You will see another great result of your generous community spirit when you return after Easter vacation. While you are away we will be replacing the windows of the second floor of the south side of the building.
I will see you at services over the next few days. In the meantime, I wish you all a very glorious Easter!
Bernadette O’Leary