Thank You Pizza Fundraiser Lunches
Colleen Mounsey and I (Jane Blaylock) would like to extend a hearty thank you to our fearless pizza crew for 2015-16: Marianne Wells, Colleen Wylde, Page Harader, Cheryl Pinsoneault, Meg Deines, Jen Wade, Brandi Dagg, Betsy Rivera, Julie Lee, Lisa Mendenhall. It was great to have a nice big crew to help lighten the load! We appreciate everyone’s time and we are looking forward to having everyone back next year! Jane Blaylock & Colleen Mounsey, Pizza Fundraiser Lunch Coordinators
Ed. Note: Due to the efforts of Jane, Colleen, the volunteers, and all that purchased pizza, St. John School contributed $10,125.00 to our causes: Kenya Orphans, Amigos de Peru, Catholic Relief Services (Syrian Refugee Relief, Rice Bowls), and the 8th Grade Washington, DC Trip Financial Aid Fund. Thank you, everyone for your part in this success, and a special thanks to Jane and Colleen!