The Classrooms Are Ready!

Faculty and staff have been to class and we are ready to open our doors! We participated in first aid and CPR training, classes on Questioning for Classroom Discussion, differentiated instruction using Guided Language Acquisition Design, Diversified Learners and supporting students with Autism, instructional methodology and curriculum classes, new teacher orientations, Principal Kickstart meetings, and our own inservices here in preparation for a great school year! We spent time discussing our Student Learning Expectations and the theological virtue of charity which we will emphasize this year. Out of our discussions came the theme for this school year: Love the Lord with all your Heart, Mind and Soul. Love one another! Mrs. Tsaglakis and Mrs. Kelly have already come up with a new song which they aired at Mass this morning!

We are so excited about meeting you all next week!  Teachers will be on duty on the playground at 8:10. Students arriving before 8:00 should go to the extended day program.  Students go to class at 8:15 and parents are invited to stay on the courtyard and chat over a cup of coffee. You are also invited to attend an all school prayer service in the church at 11:15. Dismissal is at noon.

See below for other reminders!
