Jog-a-thon Tomorrow!
Link here to find out what time your student is jogging tomorrow! Parents are welcome to come join in or just watch!
All students should plan to wear jog-a-thon shirts. Show your school pride and support our sponsors.
O.K. to wear athletic attire (running tights and running shorts may be worn for the running portion of day only). Students should plan to bring a change of clothes if they are planning to wear running tights/shorts
O.K. to wear shorts (length just above the knee) for duration of the day if uniform appropriate
O.K. to wear colored nail polish
O.K. colored hair. Please no aerosol cans at school. PLEASE NO FACE PAINT.
O.K. Wigs—to be worn only during running of the event
Have fun!
*Modesty should be considered in regards to clothing choices for jog-a-thon. Clothing that is too tight fitting, revealing, and not modest in nature will not be accepted. Running tights/shorts may be worn only during the running portion of the day.
Thank you for all of your support in this great fundraiser for our students! See you at the Welcome Back Party & Carnival beginning at 5pm tomorrow.