Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Parents and Friends of St. John School,

Grandparents & Special Friends Day is such a special time. I enjoyed meeting all those who could attend today!

Thank you! I am so grateful to each and every one of you for your support, friendship, trust and generosity. Your commitment to the school and to the community make St. John a vibrant and successful school – home to the Eagles!  Thank you for

  • your partnership in the instruction and education of your children,
  • the many hours of service,
  • the cookies and the meals you send,
  • supporting the fundraisers,
  • sharing your skills,
  • your participation in the parish.
  • Thank you for all you do!

The amount of Soaring Eagle Awards is surpassing the capacity of the basket!  I have to get a larger one! Soaring Eagle Awards are given to those children who are seen (‘caught’) practicing the Schoolwide Learning Expectations.  Each week at Monday morning prayer, we shake up that basket and pull out one award and announce the name over the intercom.  The basket of awards is taken up at offertory during our monthly all school Mass and after communion Fr. Crispin announces names and congratulates the students.

And speaking of awards, congratulations to Ciaran P.!  Our intermediate grades are building their non-fiction reading skills using the Achieve3000 program. On Tuesday, Ciaran scored the most points in a single given day compared to all students in Washington, and in our school, in the same program!  We are noticing increased reading scores among the students, especially those who continue the practice at home.  Well done, Ciaran and all students using Achieve3000.  Thank you, Mrs. Ocampo for writing a Fulcrum STAR Grant and thank you to the family who made a donation making it possible for us to purchase the program.

On Monday at 9am, we will celebrate Thanksgiving at our all school Mass. You are invited to attend. We are still collecting food items for the holiday pantry.

Hopefully, we will see you on Sunday as we host the parish celebration for the opening of Crispin’s Kitchen beginning at 1pm. See below and also the parish newsletter for all the information. Also, don’t miss the Ministry Fair which is being held this weekend after all Masses.


Bernadette O’Leary, Principal