From the Principal – Advent, looking forward and rejoicing

The third Sunday of Advent is Gaudete Sunday. Gaudete means to rejoice. At Mass, the bright pink candle will be lit. During the first reading from Isaiah you will hear the words rejoice, glory, strengthen, fear not. The second reading opens with the words, “Be patient, brothers and sisters…”. We are to rejoice because our waiting is almost over, the coming of the Lord is at hand.

The children are also rejoicing at the prospect of snow. The weather outside is… cold! Please make sure that your children wear their coats to school. I also want to remind you to put their names on those coats. There are many lovely coats in the lost and found in the west hallway! We can’t return them to their owners as we don’t know to whom they belong.

Congratulations and thank you to Ms. Ellen Pepin, Mrs. Becky Kelly, and Mr. Alex Dugdale. The Intermediate Christmas Program was a beautiful reminder of the joy we feel during this season. Check out the photos on Facebook.

Thank you to all the drivers and chaperones for the many educational and service field trips.  Along with our students, you are Empowered Disciples who make learning possible outside the classroom and service a reality, not just a school subject.  We hope that doing service will become a good habit for our children.  Remember, when you are ordering hot lunches check the notes your teachers send out and our school calendar for any field trips or celebrations that are happening in your children’s classes.

Tomorrow night, December 9, The Youth Group Talent Show.  Come and support these young enthusiastic performers!

December 13, Preschool/Kindergarten and Grades 1 & 2, Christmas concerts.

December 14, Taproot Theatre, our very own local theater group, is presenting Hark the Herald right here at Egan Hall. This is a great opportunity to bring your family to a play by these fine actors. Admission is free.

December 15, Services for Eileen Cavanaugh – Please also be aware that in order to allow the Extended Daycare staff to attend the service for Miss Eileen Cavanaugh, the XDC Program will close at 12:30.

See below for more details for all the events and announcements for a very busy next week.


Bernadette O’Leary