Happy Birthday Dr. King

Happy Birthday, Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. You would have been 88 on Sunday.
I told the fifth grade today that I intended to head my newsletter with a quote from Dr. Martin Luther King. Jr. as we had learned so much from him. I asked them for their thoughts. What did Dr. King Jr. teach us and why did they like the ‘lesson’ or quote they chose? Here are some examples and their explanations.

“The time is always right to do what is right.” Student explanation: That’s like what we are asked to do at St John.

‘Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” Explanation: God is in that. God is light and love.

“I have a dream that one day….little black boys and little black girls will be able to join hands with little white boys and white girls…” Explanation: that was his dream, he wanted everybody to be together to end segregation. Another student added, that is like St. John School. Everybody can come here.

The students went on to show me how his values are integrated with our Schoolwide Learning Expectations (SLEs)
We also are Christ-centered people who demonstrate a love of God and all creation
We are empowered disciples who live out Gospel values, Catholic Social teaching and the Mission of the Church and
we value the diversity of all God’s children.

Dr. King would be proud of our fifth graders! If you get an opportunity, check out the preschoolers’ bulletin board: Following in Dr. Martin Luther King’s footsteps: How can we make the world a better place. They drew pictures about their dreams.

On Tuesday, from 10:15-10:40, Mrs. Tsagalakis and the 6th graders will lead us in sing-a-long as we remember the words, life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. You are welcome to attend this short assembly.

St. John is an active and busy place! Tomorrow, we support the Seahawks again. Wear blue and green!  Next week, we have the School Commission Meeting on Wed. Jan 18 and our Parent Education night the 19th. Check the notices on the website!

On Jan. 23rd. the Accreditation Visiting Team will be here for their pre-visit.  On this day, they will tour the school, meet the faculty, staff and students and collect the self-study.  This is a dress uniform day.

January 29th marks the beginning of Catholic Schools Week.  At 10:30 we will have the All-School Mass, followed by the Cultural fair and Open House.

Enjoy the long weekend. Honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by doing an extra good deed, saying an extra prayer or volunteering.

God Bless,