It’s June! From the Principal

Check the thermometer, the temperature is rising in more places than one! Our Honor the Past, Embrace the Present. Secure the Future Campaign has exceeded $1,600,000–we are nearly halfway there! Thank you so much to those of you who have already made your pledges. To those still to be contacted, please respond when you are called. We are all in this together and 100 percent participation is the mark of our community! Do your fair share!

I am happy to report that the auction made over $305,000, $63,000 of which was for Fund-A-Need.  More will continue to come in over the summer as we receive matching gifts. Thank you, Karen Bombino, Julie Skinner, and the entire auction team!

On a sad note, we say goodbye to two faculty members.  Miss Teresa Thornton has accepted a full-time teaching position at St. Thomas More next year.  Miss Thornton began in our Extended Day Care program and it has been a privilege to see her go through her degree to become a fully certified teacher.   We are very proud of her and we wish her all the best.

At the end of last week, Mrs. Caitlin Todd came by to tell us that her husband was offered a new job…in Oregon.  Mrs. Todd also started her tenure here at St. John as an assistant and became the first grade teacher in 2011.  We will miss our captain of the first grade sailors, but we wish her and her family all the best.  I have posted the opening for a first grade position.

Even though the school year is winding down, we are not slowing down! Tomorrow, our eighth graders will celebrate their accomplishments with their parents. Baccalaureate Mass is this Sunday at 10:30. May the Holy Spirit be with them as we send them forth. On Tuesday, the students will gather to bid farewell to the eighth graders. Each grade level will make a presentation to the graduates. Graduation for the class of 2017 will take place on Thursday evening at 7pm in the Church.

Next week we will also celebrate Kindergarten Graduation, Intermediate Field Day, and end-of the year school Mass on Friday, June 9, at 9am. You are welcome to attend any or all of these events!

God Bless,
Bernadette O’Leary