Let’s Jog!

It’s Jog-a-thon time! Thank you so much for your generous donations! Although we reached our goal you can still make donations through the end of the month. Tomorrow, we jog for the 1,000 mile goal. The proceeds of the Jog-a-thon go to the operating budget, which covers salaries, programs, instructional supplies, etc. Every child benefits. You are helping make St. John the great school that it is, and together we do that well!

Tomorrow afternoon, let’s celebrate at the Back-to-School BBQ and Carnival. Everyone is invited! Please RSVP so we know how much to grill.

On Sunday, at 10:30, we have the Blessing of the Backpacks Mass. This is the mass for the opening of our school year. Fr. Crispin will bless the children’s backpacks and pray for a great year for all the students and their families. Come pray with us. In the backpack, place some items of food for the Ballard Food Bank and Broadview-Thomson PTA for their food program. See below for examples of items that they need. And again, thank you for your generosity.

At this week’s faculty meeting, we discussed the power of praising the effort and persistence that the students demonstrate. We are working on encouraging the students to be aware that their brains grow and stretch as they keep on learning. They can learn anything. We focus on the processes of learning – hard work and persistence, rather than ‘being smart.’ Join us as we recognize and praise the effort that it took to write a paper and not only the result, the effort it took to run all the way up the field, pass the ball, tackle the opponent, and not just the goal!

We may have a new ‘student’ in class.  Dexter is a two year old Labrador Retriever service dog who will be accompanying one of our eighth grade students to class.  The dog will be at the side of the student at all times. We will instruct the other students to respect that he is service dog and not a pet. Dexter has the Canine Good Citizen Certification and he is working on Public Access Certification.  A trainer will be on-site for a day with Dexter to ensure that he is ready to be in the classroom, on the playground and in the lunchroom. Dexter will be here initially for part of the day only. Please let me know if you have questions or concerns. Thank you for your understanding.

See you tomorrow,