Happy Anniversary, St. John the Evangelist Parish!

Check out the Facebook page and enjoy the pictures of children celebrating the 100th anniversary/birthday of the parish. We began with Mass yesterday.

The first graders and their eighth-grade buddies processed in with candles as we sang our theme song, “Shine, Shine, Shine.” Children from both those classes were lectors, cantors and read the Prayers of Intercession. Students prayed for the founders of St. John the Evangelist. It is delightful to see the young children participating so well in class under the guidance of the older buddies.  All their lights were shining brightly.  During his homily, Fr. Angelovic shared some memories and stories of his time at St. John.  After communion, Mrs. Tsagalakis led the children singing “Happy Birthday, St. John Parish!” Mr. Procopio, the principal of Bishop Blanchet High school attended mass with us and he remarked on how impressed he was by students’ singing and participation at Mass.

The children were thrilled with the birthday popsicles!  Every child received one at lunch. Students in the upper grades learned some of the history of the parish, and they listened to music that those living in 1917 may have heard. Alumni parent Chris Jarvis (1957-2016), wrote an informative history of the parish if you’d like to learn more.

We adults get to celebrate the anniversary on October 14, with brats and beer rather than popsicles!  We have much to celebrate as we honor the legacy which has been passed on to us by Fr. Quigley and the founders of the parish.  The Capital Campaign is going well.  We are so close to raising another $100,000 by next weekend to match a challenge gift. Many of you have already pledged to the campaign and I know you all want an opportunity to be a part of it, so get those pledge cards in!

Tomorrow, the teachers will be here discussing the great mysteries of our faith – Incarnation, Trinity, the Paschal Mystery and the Eucharist and the many ways Christ is present in the classroom. Christ will also be with you during the long weekend. See you at Mass. Enjoy it!
