From the Principal

Exciting faculty news!

  • Katie Flanigan Bugge (Co-Director, XDC) recently went to Rome with her family, including her baby son, Roman Bugge and sister-in-law Sarah Brito-Bugge, grades 1/3 Teaching Assistant. They had a private audience with Pope Francis during which he blessed baby Roman.
  • Many of you have heard by now that on St. Patrick’s Day, Miss Feeney, grade 1 Teacher became engaged!

Students in grades two through eight received the Sacrament of Penance this week. Thank you, Fr. Crispin for listening to all the children. Tomorrow, eighth grade students and their siblings will lead the Stations at 2:30pm. You are welcome to attend.

By now, you are well aware of the storage units and the modular offices on the playground in preparation for the work on Quigley which will begin in April! You have also received the letter from Fr. Crispin updating you on the campaign. If you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.  We are very grateful to the Parish Office staff for giving up their space to the school.   The modular offices aren’t all that glamorous and they will be sharing smaller offices when they move into the former rectory!  Thank you, Parish Staff, for the sacrifices you are making for the preschool, primary, and XDC students.

Holy Week begins on Palm Sunday, March 25 (Parish Schedule).  During this time, all meetings, and clubs, extracurricular activities are on hold so that we can have time to honor Jesus’ final days on earth.  Walk the Camino de Santiago, Seattle on Saturday, March 24, attend Mass on Holy Thursday night, March 29, and join us as the seventh grade leads the Shadow Stations on Friday, March 30, at 2pm.  On Easter Sunday morning our sadness is turned to joy as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead.


Bernadette O’Leary