From Ms. O’Leary

Family STEM night begins at 5:30 this evening, but today throughout the classes, students have been engaged in many creative STEM projects with their buddies. During my visits to the classrooms, I heard the sounds of wonder and delight and noted that not only are they learning together, but they are having so much fun doing so. I also saw the older buddies being patient, kind and supportive, looking beyond themselves to the needs of their younger partners and being so encouraging. These are habits we continue to encourage and to live out. As we walk through Lent, let’s continue to build those good practices: make a prayer of listening to others, share kindness, and fast from negativity and put-downs.

I was visiting my daughter last weekend, but I heard I missed a great March Crabness! Thank you to all those involved. I won’t miss the opportunity to enjoy community and the learning opportunities at the Family STEM Night this evening. Then next week, we have the Auction. But a ticket or volunteer! There are so many opportunities to be an active member of the St. John community! Thank you teachers, staff and volunteers.

Spring fever is palpable. The only word I can think of to describe the weather is changeable, so continue to send jackets, but remind the students to pick them up after they toss them off! The ‘lost and found’ is overflowing and we will donate the unclaimed garments soon. Please also check the handbook for the rules on uniforms and nail polish! We are seeing a variety of non-uniform colors in socks, leggings and accessories. We also frequently remind students to wear the correct sweatshirt and to keep their hoods down in the building. Thank you for your cooperation.

See you later,

Bernadette O’Leary