Auction Item: Free Dress on 11/22

Free Dress Auction Item     Did you purchase Free Dress for your student at last year’s Auction? The first free dress day is tomorrow, Friday, November 22.  If you did not have a chance to purchase the Free Dress days and would like to, you can do so here.  The second Free Dress day will be on Friday, January 10.

As a reminder, the St. John Dress code applies to Free Dress days.  Clothing should be in good repair, modest, and fit the wearer properly.  Clothing that is not permitted:  Sweat pants, sleeveless shirts, pajamas, clothing that is too large, low rise, too long, too short, low cut, too tight, oversize, too small, gaps between pants and top.  There should be no holes, tears or other signs of excessive wear.  Any messages, symbols, logos, pictures, drawings or slogans on attire worn on free dress days must not conflict with the values expressed above.  Camouflage and para-military attire are not acceptable.