AmazonSmile: A Simple Fundraiser for St. John School
Scrip is one of our biggest fundraisers and one to which all families are asked to commit. There are many other simple ways to earn funds for our school. Just one or two slight changes to your shopping habits can mean additional funds for St. John. For example, thanks to the families who purchased their school supplies through Yubbler this fall, St. John received a rebate check of over $1700!
AmazonSmile has enormous fundraising potential for the school; St. John School receives a generous percentage back on eligible purchases through AmazonSmile. Simply, add the Amazon button to your browser (found on the charity-selection page) or use the app on your phone. You’re shopping there anyway, just use a different portal! AmazonSmile has generated over $8,000 for our school with low participation; imagine the funds that can be generated if you use the AmazonSmile portal! So anytime you shop on Amazon, please use the Smile.Amazon portal (select “St. John the Evangelist Church & School” as your charity), and spread the word!