Principal’s Letter

Random Acts of Kindness Day….

I have a painting in my office on which the artist wrote, “Practise random acts of kindness and senseless acts of beauty.” The spelling of the verb ‘practise’ is on purpose. My friend, Sr. Marie created the picture for me. She knew where I grew up, spelling the verb ‘practise’ with an S. (The noun, ‘practice’ is spelled with a C). Sr. Marie presented me with the painting and waited for my reaction.  She seemed to be on a mission of carrying out little daily acts of kindness, a recognition, a compliment, a little task, an invite for a cup of tea. Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day, but like St. Marie, we really don’t need just one day to acknowledge our Christ-like calling. Every day presents opportunities to be kind. Thank you for responding with generosity, thoughtfulness, and open hearts.

If you didn’t get the opportunity to read yesterday’s notice that was sent to all families, COVID Communication for Mid-Winter Holiday, I encourage you to read it and familiarize yourself with recommendations regarding travel and to understand our process regarding today’s changes to the state-wide mask mandate.

Enjoy a relaxing and healthy long weekend.

God bless,

Bernadette O’Leary