Volunteering at St. John

The opportunities for volunteering at St. John School are vast and varied. Your enthusiastic volunteerism enables us to keep operating costs low and is a wonderful way for parents to become a part of their student’s school life. While we do not require a minimum number of volunteer hours, we ask parents/guardians to strive towards the yearly goal of 40 hours per two-parent family and 20 hours per one-parent family. We welcome grandparents, extended family, parishioners, neighbors and special friends of St. John to volunteer as well. Thank you to all who have already signed up! Current opportunities for volunteerism are:

Playground Monitor: We are looking for volunteers to assist with playground monitoring during recess, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and especially Thursdays. Your participation helps keep our students safe! Contact Melissa Heron, myanik1@msn.com, if you are interested.

We are still looking for someone to take on the incredibly important role of Playground Supervisor (paid position). If you are interested, please contact Principal O’Leary.

Parent Association: PA teams for each grade level continue to form, and we are still looking to fill some roles. Check out descriptions of the four roles that support each grade and sign up here. Questions? Contact PA Chairs Sara Dean or Allan Quiaoit.

Hot Lunch Program: St. John is able to provide affordable and high-quality meals due largely to the support of our volunteers. Join the kitchen crew and enjoy good company and good food! A Food Workers card is required to work in the lunchroom. Contact David Benefiel, dbenefiel@st-johnschool.org, if you are interested.


If you wish to volunteer this year, please submit a completed Volunteer COVID Vaccination Attestation form to Mrs. Q. in the office and complete (or be in the process of completing) Safe Environment training. If you have any questions about Safe Environment training, please contact Sheila Marty in the Parish Office.