Parent Association News
Happy Spring everyone! The season is buzzing with activities, including our upcoming Parent Education Night scheduled for May 21 (see below for more details). Opportunities abound to show our PA support to our school community by volunteering for Grand Day, Grs. K-2, Welcome Committee Activities, Principal O’Leary’s Celebration, and Father Crispin’s Summer Farewell.
Don’t forget, our next (and final) PA meeting of the year will be on Friday, May 3, at 8:30am in Egan Hall. All parents/guardians/caregivers of students attending St. John School are members of the PA and are welcome to join meetings.
Parent Education Event
Savvy Parents, Safe Kids – Optimizing Online Safety: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt Them
Tuesday, May 21, 7pm-8:30pm (includes Q&A)
This event will be held virtually on Zoom. A Zoom link will be provided prior to the event.
The Parent Association will welcome Christy Keating of The Heartful Parent Collective for our Spring Parent Education Night. This conversation with Christy will focus on factual information and strategies for keeping children and teens safe(r) on the internet and social media. The information shared will raise families’ awareness of the risks online and how to reduce them as they strive to strike a balance between raising tech-savvy children and kids who have a healthy relationship with the technology flooding our daily lives. She will also discuss managing screen time boundaries at different developmental stages. In light of recent events at the school involving inappropriate use of social media, this will be a great learning opportunity for all parents.