Send Good Wishes to Fr. Crispin and Mrs. Q.!

With the excitement the end of school brings, please take a moment to send good wishes to Father Crispin and Mrs. Q. as they embark on their new journeys. Let’s show them all the love!

  • Father Crispin’s kudoboard – leave a message for Fr. Crispin here.
  • Mrs. Q.’s kudoboard – leave a message for Mrs. Q. here.
  • Please add your message by June 10!

Don’t forget to RSVP to Father Crispin’s celebration! Join us as we celebrate Fr. Crispin’s 16 years at St. John on Sunday, June 30 at the 10:30am Mass, followed by a reception and program. We will have food, drinks, music, and lots of stories to share! 

  • Please let us know if you are coming by rsvping here before June 17.
  • We need LOTS of help to put this event on for Fr. Crispin! Please sign up to help here. This is a great opportunity for students to accrue volunteer hours.

Contact Teresa Gillett at or call the Parish Office at 206-782-2810 ex 355 with any questions.