Parent Action Items

  • Blessing of the Backpacks, 9/13, Blacktop, 8:15am
  • Parent Association Meeting, 9/13, Egan Hall, after Blessing of the Backpack
  • Attendance Form: If your student misses school for any reason – family trips, illness, appointments, etc. – you must submit an attendance form. It is imperative that we have an accurate accounting of students on campus.
  • SEL Groups (K-5) with Ms. Shaw, Registration Deadline, 9/13: Information can be found here. Register here.
  • Comfort Kits: Every student must have a comfort kit at school. Turn in comfort kits to homeroom teachers by 9/23.
  • Recess Monitors: Thank you, volunteers! Our school community is still looking for Lunch Recess Volunteers on Mondays. If you are interested, please fill out this brief survey.