Registration for 2016/2017 Begins Monday
State of the School meetings will be held next week. Facilitation will begin the following week. These meetings are mandatory for all families planning to enroll children in St. John School for the 2016/2017 school year. State of the School is intended for adults.
- State of the School – Hear about plans, finances, testing, and more. At the conclusion of this one-hour meeting you will pick up your registration packet and sign up for a Facilitation appointment.
- Monday, February 8, 7pm, Egan Hall – Returning families, K-8
- Tuesday, February 9, 7pm, Egan Hall – Returning families, K-8
- Thursday, February 11, 7pm, Egan Hall – Families new to the K-8 program, either entering St. John School for the very first time or students moving into Kindergarten from St. John Preschool with no older siblings enrolled
- Facilitation – You will come for a 10 minute meeting with your financial facilitator. Only two things to bring with you: Your completed tuition pledge/contract and a check for your enrollment fee. Returning families attending both the State of the School and Facilitation receive a $50 discount on the re-enrollment fee of $275. Families new to St. John School pay an enrollment fee of $300.
- Wednesday, February 17, 7-9pm, 2nd floor of the main school building
- Thursday, February 18, 7-9pm, 2nd floor of the main school building
- Sunday, February 21, noon-4pm, 2nd floor of the main school building
Tuition accounts must be current to within 30 days. Contact Diane Crockett with account questions.
All registration tasks must be completed by Sunday, February 21. Registration received after this date will be placed after on-time enrollment requests have been processed. (Preschool Only registration packets are available in the school office beginning Monday, February 8. Attendance at State of the School is not required.)