From the Principal – The Holy Season of Lent

We have started on our forty-day Lenten journey. Yesterday at Mass, Fr. Crispin reminded the students that this is a great time to deepen our relationship with God. We can spend more time with Him in prayer, fast from the things that distract us from knowing God and give alms to help people in need – “Whatsoever you do to the least of my people, that you do onto me”(Matthew 25:40).

St. John spirit was loud and clear as we celebrated Purple and Gold Day last Friday!  Lent came so quickly after Catholic Schools Week, it was like our very own Mardi Gras!  I thoroughly enjoyed the day, thank you to the two Principals for the Day, Kateland and Lucy!  I was able to relax and have a huge waffle breakfast (which the principals provided!) with the eighth graders and the Peruvian delegation. Thank you, Dixon Family!

Sor Maria, Marylena, and Fr. Narcisso are go grateful to all of you for the warm welcome and support they experienced. They certainly felt the St. John Spirit!

We hope that the mid-winter break will help our students and teachers rest and get well.  Strep throat, respiratory viruses and hand, foot and mouth are making the rounds!  Please keep your children at home if they are complaining of sore throats or they are coughing.  On our part we will do a deep clean and disinfect over the break.

We will pray for you on our retreat tomorrow, see you on Wednesday,


Bernadette O’Leary