Eagles Have Flown The Aerie!
Bright and early Wednesday morning, I received a message from Pablo with a photo of our eighth graders at the FDR monument in Washington, DC. They all looked happy, even though they had boarded the bus for sightseeing straight from a red-eye flight! I had the urge to get away also, so I headed out to Camp Hamilton to see our other travelers – the sixth grade students at Environmental Education Camp. Some of the students had already been out canoeing on the lake and peeking at the beaver dam. I attended mass with them in that lovely little chapel in the woods and then enviously waved goodbye as they headed off hiking! Check our Facebook page to see how much they continue to enjoy their adventures. It is great to see our students learning outside the classroom walls! Our sixth and eighth graders are learning valuable lessons and I am very grateful to the teachers and chaperones who are making it all possible.
Here at school, students are demonstrating all they have learned through their finals and in the younger grades, their projects. Today, Cian, a kindergartner dropped by my office to read his six page illustrated story of how a seed turns into a plant. The preschoolers bring me their number rolls and the first graders presented their habitat projects this week. Our students are very active learners!
Continue this Friday to line up for Scrip! Judging by the number of cards sold through May, if you buy as much this Friday, we will meet and beat the goal and have an all school free dress day on June 1st! Thank you, Karen Gunther-Bombino and thank you, Scrip purchasers for the huge May Madness success for St. John.
Enjoy your long weekend! Sunday is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, a good time to remember that Jesus died to save us and only He can satisfy our deepest hunger. On Monday, we remember all those who died in service to the United States and who are with Jesus, living now in His eternal glory.
God Bless,
Bernadette O’Leary