Thank You Corner
The WestSide Baby donation drive was a big success! Thank you for your help and support. We filled three mini vans full of goods. WSB was very appreciative. Thank you Julie Lee, Olga Sala Torra, and the awesome 7th grade helpers. If you would like a tax receipt for your donations please see Mrs. Q in the school office.
Thank you to all the 7th grade parents who made the 8th Grade Parent Celebration happen: Laura Fraioli, Jennifer Burke, Nicole Hardie, Sarah Dorscht, Anna Brunette, Rachel Berryessa, Diana Gruscynski, Cathy Knauerhase and Mary Kearney. Thank you to 7th grade students Theresa R., Reina C. and Peter K. who also helped with the Parent Celebration.
The School Office (Mrs. Q and Mrs. Crockett) would like to thank all the parents and students for making the year special for us. We love working with the children (can you imagine we get paid for this?) and with our wonderful parent/grandparent community. Thank you!