Principal Letter
St. John is a hive of activity this week! Literature circles, math and reading centers, science presentations and experiments, service immersion trips, autumnal field trips, all school Mass and learning to live in harmony! The sounds of construction progress are adding to the harmony at times as the jackhammer cuts into the cement on the first floor to prepare for the shear wall installations. The building supervisor is very aware of the disruption the noise can cause and is trying to limit work around the academic schedule. We have offered teachers in the main building alternative spaces should the noise disrupt instruction. I realize the construction equipment and trucks put added pressure on an already stressed traffic situation in the the neighborhood. Please continue to respect our neighbors’ driveways and don’t park too close to the roundabouts (30 feet from the intersection in many cases). Heads up for the pick-up line: on Thursday, October18, a cement truck will be parked by the fenced off area at the SW construction entrance from 2pm through the afternoon. The area west of the flagpole will be closed for parking. We thank you for your patience. Perhaps this might be a good day to carpool, bike, or walk to school.
Unity Day
In line with our mission to be an inclusive Catholic Community and to live in harmony, we are celebrating Unity Day on Wednesday, October 24. Unity Day is a day that promotes acceptance, kindness, and inclusion. Orange is the color of Unity. Students may wear free dress and include orange – orange t-shirts, orange sweaters, orange accessories. (Note, you do not have to go out and purchase anything, we will have extra orange accessories here at school). The eighth graders will be fanning into the younger classrooms, teaching lessons on friendship, acceptance, kindness, and inclusion. Thank you, Mrs. Rousso, Mrs. Halley and eighth graders, for leading this day.
Farewell, Mrs. Kineman!
Since 2013, Margaret Kineman has been keeping us safe as we cross 80th Street on 1st Avenue. October 19 is her final day. Mrs. Kineman’s diligence and care for all of us who cross the street will be sadly missed. I, for one, will also miss the companionship, the stories, the daily updates she shared at the oftentimes ‘rainy, windy corner’. Mrs. Kineman’s many friends, children, parents, and their dogs will miss her. Hopefully, we will still have Mrs. Kineman around for the musical, to which she has contributed hundreds of hours. We will need a new crossing guard on 1st and 80th. Employment opportunity includes Greenwood Elementary.
Items and Dates to be aware of:
Secure your tickets now to celebrate Mr. Tice. The ‘SvEndowment’ is next week, Friday, October 19.
Thank you, volunteer health professionals, Emily Hallman and Kathy Beck who will head up the Vision/Hearing Screening on Wednesday, October 17, for students in grades K, 2, 4, and 6.
Student/Parent/Teacher conferences: October 22, 29 and November 5. Make sure you sign-up under your child’s teacher’s name.
October 23 is Individual Picture day
October 24 is Unity Day
October 27 Help replant Pat King’s roses
St. John is buzzing!
Bernadette O’Leary