Parish News

Mass for the Weekend of May 23 and 24     Mass will be live-streamed on our Facebook page at 5pm on Saturday, 5/23.  You do not need a Facebook account to stream the Mass.  A recorded version will be available on Sunday.

Weekday Masses     Father Crispin will be celebrating “daily” Mass twice a week until we can gather again as a community.  All Masses will be live-streamed on our Facebook page.

  • Wednesday at 3pm with Adoration to follow.
  • Friday at 3pm with a special message for the families of our school community.

Sacrament of Reconciliation     Father offers Reconciliation by appointment on Fridays from 4:15-5pm.  Please email Sheila Marty or call her at 206-782-2810, ext. 358 to arrange an appointment.  Father will hear confessions in the Reconciliation Chapel in the vestibule.  Please enter through the side doors, wear a mask, use the hand sanitizer or wipes that are provided, and practice social distancing.  Please sit in the back pews of the church until Father is ready for you.

Annual Catholic Appeal and Supporting St. John Parish     Even in these unprecedented times, the needs of the wider community continue.  For more information on donating to the Annual Catholic Appeal and/or St. John Parish, please visit the Parish Donate page.  Thank you for your continued support!

St. John Summer Praypals     Let’s pray for each other this summer!  In the past, we have drawn names from a hat while in mass; this time it’ll be on-line.  Here’s how it will work:  If you would like to participate in this activity, send an email to with your name, your intention(s), and (optional) your mailing address.  Sometime in early June, you will receive an email with the name of the person or family you can pray for this summer, knowing that someone will be praying for you as well.

It would be lovely if you sent an email or a card via snail mail sometime this summer to let your person know you’re praying for them.  We all need prayer…and we all need to pray.  It’s a win-win!  If you have questions, please email  If you don’t use email, you can call the parish office at 206-782-2810 and leave a voice message with your name and intention.  We’ll get back to you by phone with your Praypal.

St. John Rosary for Those Affected by COVID-19     Join the St. John community in praying the rosary every week for those affected by the COVID-19 pandemic.  We will pray the rosary together as a community (from our individual homes) on Saturday, 5/23, at 8pm, or you can pray at a time that works better for your family.  Link here for this week’s rosary, and here to download a Rosary guide.