Parish News

Do visit the Parish Website for detailed information about Mass schedules, special events, and the Parish e-newletter. Following are highlights:

Homemade Fabric Masks Needed!     Thank you to those who have already donated masks!  Some of you are also sewing for other charities, and we so appreciate the time and effort you give to our community!  As we get closer to being able to go back to our offices, gather in small groups, and hold Masses, we will want to make sure we do so safely by following the guidelines posted by the CDC.  It will be very important for everyone to have access to a mask.  If you have the materials and skill to sew homemade masks, we would welcome donations so that we can offer them to visitors to our church and school who might not have one.  Contact Sheila Marty at for more information.

St. John Summer Praypals     Let’s pray for each other this summer!  In the past, we have drawn names from a hat while in mass; this time it’ll be on-line.  Here’s how it will work:  If you would like to participate in this activity, send an email to with your name, your intention(s), and (optional) your mailing address.  Sometime in early June, you will receive an email with the name of the person or family you can pray for this summer, knowing that someone will be praying for you as well.

It would be lovely if you sent an email or a card via snail mail sometime this summer to let your person know you’re praying for them.  We all need prayer…and we all need to pray.  It’s a win-win!  If you have questions, please email  If you don’t use email, you can call the parish office at 206-782-2810 and leave a voice message with your name and intention.  We’ll get back to you by phone with your Praypal.