Parish News

Visit the Parish Website for detailed information about Mass schedules, special events, and the Parish e-newsletter. The following are highlights:

Thank You from the St. Vincent de Paul Society     Our St. John the Evangelist Conference of St. Vincent de Paul Society wishes to thank all who donated food to our pantry during our October drive. Our neighbors who will receive food from our pantry also would like to thank you. When we meet with people in need, we take them food from our pantry and also provide them with help such as rent, utilities, clothing, etc. We expect there will be even more people in need of assistance now that some of the other programs that have been available during the pandemic are ending. Please continue your generous support. The barrel for nonperishable food donations will stay in the vestibule; donations can be dropped off there or at the Parish Office during business hours. And, of course, financial donations are always welcome too!

Can You Help Us with Our Parish Video?     Do you have experience editing and creating videos on the computer? Are you able to help us out in the next week to put together the State of the Parish video for 2021? As we did last year, we are creating a video that can be viewed from home for those who cannot attend the live presentation. We will have all the components ready to go; they just need to be edited into one video. Please contact Teresa Gillett at or call the Parish Office at 206-782-2810 if you are able to help. Thank you!