
Dear Families,

This is a time when we look back as we look forward. As we complete closure packets, look over mastery tests and create plans for next year, we are finishing the first draft of our accreditation. Teachers, administration, School Commission members, and you (through surveys and conversations) have been examining our Catholic identity, ensuring we meet the standards, examining how we teach, how we use our resources, how we ensure that St. John is accessible.  It has been a very positive journey! Our next steps include reviewing, editing and preparing the self-study for publication. The accreditation visiting team will make their pre-visit in January 2017.

As we look forward, we are buoyed by our theme, We Have Hope that Anchors the Soul Firm and Secure.  On Sunday, eighth grade students will mark their commencement with a celebration of the Eucharist thanking God for His presence on their journey.  They will acknowledge the role of the parish and the community as they go forth.  Tomorrow, they celebrate and thank their parents by sharing their accomplishments in music and dance.

Graduation makes one realize how great our community is and how fortunate we are to belong to the wider Catholic network!  Our students can continue in their relationship with Jesus through school and parish.  We have hope that they will come to Mass and be involved with the parish.  This past month, we had a huge Confirmation class.  May this continue!  We know of many St. John graduates who are deeply involved in service work and social justice issues; they are growing up to be citizens with great moral integrity.

You are helping to ensure that this continues.  Did you know that your Annual Catholic Appeal dollars support the Office for Catholic Schools and the Office for Faith Formation?  The dollars support professional development for teachers.  Your ACA dollars support the Office for Property and Construction, which tests our water and classroom air quality to ensure our community is safe and healthy.  Just yesterday we received their help when the boiler failed.  So if you haven’t yet pledged to the Annual Capital Appeal, I urge you to do so, so that all Catholic ministries continue the work of Christ on earth.  Our school benefits directly from services provided by the Archdiocese of Seattle.  And if that isn’t reason enough to get your pledge in, St. John Parish is required to pay a specific amount each year–whether we raise the money or not.  Let’s get to that amount sooner than later.

God bless,

Bernadette O’Leary