Principal’s Letter
Remember those famous opening lines from A Tale of Two Cities? “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” The virus has us all reeling. The children had a nervous excitement today in the building as you were probably scrambling to prepare for closure.
As mandated by the Governor today, St. John School will remain closed through April 25. Truthfully, we were not expecting a closure of this magnitude. We will need time to further develop our plan for such a lengthy closure. A portion of tomorrow’s teacher in-service will be devoted to this end. It will be helpful for both you and your children to establish a daily routine and look for communication coming from the teachers. Everyone is working from home!
There are many unanswered questions at this time. We are in contact with camp and tour operators regarding the middle school trips in May and will keep you updated.
The April 3 Auction at Fremont Studios is canceled but that doesn’t mean we are giving up. Stay tuned in for more information on how you can support this year’s auction.
Our mission statement calls for us to Act for the Common Good. Bishop Mueggenborg sent out a letter to all parishes and schools asking us to look out for our neighbors and the homebound at this time. It is during these worst of times that the best comes out in people. We have seen examples of parents and students acting to make the best of this unprecedented crisis.
Take care of yourselves. I know I will miss those early morning smiles from the children.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Enjoy the pipers.
Note: NewsViews will not be published today.