Blessing of the Backpacks Mass
3rd Annual Blessing of the Backpacks Mass Sunday, September 20th at the 10:30 Mas
Everyone going back to school is invited to celebrate the beginning of the new school year by bringing their backpack, book bag or tote to be blessed by Fr. Crispin at the 3rd Annual Blessing of the Backpacks.
To help our neighbors and be more of a presence in our community, we invite you to fill your child’s backpack with non-perishable food items to help support the Broadview- Thomson K-8 (BTK8) Food Program. The kids will be invited to leave the food on the altar during Mass.
- Ways you can contribute and support children in our community.
- Monetary donations/grocery store gift cards to Broadview-Thomson PTA [a 501 c(3) organization]
- Canned food of tuna, condensed soups, baked beans, chili Chef Boy-R-D and spaghetti sauce. (Since kids carry food home we kindly request no glass containers)
- Dried food such as tuna helper, mac & cheese, beans and rice, raisins, cup-o-noodle and “just add water” muffin mix.
- Plastic jars of 12oz peanut butter.
(See the back of this flyer for more information on this program)
Questions? Contact Mary Wiseman at 206-782-2810 ext.355 or
Broadview-Thomson Pre K-8 (BTPK8) Food Program
BTPK8 has 700+ students in attendance, approximately 60% of which are living in poverty, some even homeless (with extended family, in cars, in motels or shelters). Our Food Program will start its 4th year of providing food and support to our kids in need. This will be St. John 3rd year of supporting us, with the 2 previous years donations estimated at 425 lbs. and 500 lbs. respectively. Thank You St. John!
BTPK8 Food Program Components
- The Weekend Food Program: “Backpacks” of mostly non-perishable food are given to students on Fridays to take home for the weekend. Items include peanut butter, oatmeal, cereal, tuna, milk, juice, mac & cheese, bars, soups, fresh fruit, fresh vegetables and breads etc.
- Family Emergency Food Program: A food pantry to provide a one-time 3 day food supply of non- perishable items for families in immediate need. Provided as a stop-gap till comprehensive support can be provided at a family’s local food bank.
- Referral Services: Provides referrals directing families to their local food banks.
- Emergency Funding (New to the Food Program): Program funds are used to purchase holiday meals and provide food and funds for special need situations. i.e. A cancer diagnosis for one of our kindergartners led to extended hospital visits for a single parent.
2015-2016 Goals
Provide up to 35 children food for 37 school weekends, an estimated 5,600 pounds of food; 9,000 meals.
Current BTPK8 Food Program Partnerships
- The Ballard Food Bank purchases food (Costco) and milk (North West Harvest).
- The Greenwood Food Bank purchases food and provides in-kind donations.
- The Broadview Thomson students and the PTA through school fundraising efforts.
- Generous monetary donations from American West Bank.
- Generous monetary & in-kind donations from community organizations such as St. Johns Parish!Ways you can contribute and support children in our community.
- Grocery store gift cards
- Canned food like tuna, condensed soups, baked beans, chili, Chef Boy-R-D & spaghetti sauce.
- Dried food like 1 lb. containers of spaghetti, tuna helper, mac & cheese, beans & rice, dried soup or side dishes, raisins & “just add water” muffin mix
- Plastic jars of 12oz peanut butter.
- Items to Avoid – Glass jars (breakable), oversized items (heavy to carry home), specialty items (kids less likely to eat such as beets), spicy foods, items more often used for cooking such as creamed soups (corn or mushroom) and beans (garbanzo, red beans, pinto beans).