Discovery Workshops FAQ 15/16

St. John the Evangelist Discovery Workshop and Planning 2015/2016 FAQ’s

1. Why are we doing this analysis? I thought we already had a strategic plan for our facilities.

Great question. Our last planning process was approved by Fr. Crispin in July of 2011. So by next summer, our current plan will be 5 years old. It needs to be refreshed to reflect the progress we have made to date and articulate our goals and next steps for the future.

The Facilities Focus area in our current 5 year plan calls for the following:

1. Define and achieve a specific state of the facility in the next fiveyears.

A three phase facility and maintenance schedule was prepared with the assistance of Broderick Architects. The Parish has been completing projects in the first two phases of that plan. The third phase, to be addressed in 2019 or later, has not begun. This third phase will require more planning and evaluation and will be refined by the upcoming Discovery Workshop process.

2. Identify, prioritize, fund, and resolve high priority, short-term facilitiesissues.

The Parish has been working carefully to address each of the high priority items identified in the three phase schedule. The Parish has completed numerous projects while simultaneously reducing the balance of our capital campaign loan. The most notable of these projects are:

  • the Church Bell Tower Dome and related work on the tower of the Church
  • additional window replacements in the school
  • masonry repairs on the school
  • replacement of siding and other repairs on the portables
  • major plumbing repairs and upgrades in the school
  • Egan Mezzanine and HVAC project
  • major boiler repairs for the School, Church and Egan Hall
  • Egan Auditorium upgrading, floors, walls, kitchen accordion door, sound panels3. Deliberate, organized, and predictable facilities planning and management methodology including adequate funding and financial management.The Discovery Workshops are the first step in planning for the future of our Parish Campus. Since 2011, the number of families attending St. John has increased, our School enrollment continues to be near capacity, and the school is facing the need to upgrade and replace some of its existing facilities. We also have more programs in the Parish and the school and we are facing the need for more space.2. Does this mean we are going to build new buildings?

    Not necessarily. The purpose of the workshops is for us to take a hard look at our existing facilities, how they are currently used, our parish and school program needs, and how we can make better use of the facilities we already have. This process will evaluate reconfiguration and renovation, as well as new construction.

3. So we won’t be doing anything new?
That’s not the case either. From the previous facility and maintenance plan we know:

• • •

that our portables will eventually need to be replaced
that we will need improved Pre-K facilities for our newest school children

that we need to have more functional space for: o parking / playground,
o meetings,
o social gatherings after Masses

o youth groups and more – This list isn’t all inclusive.
The idea is for us to gather as a community, and with the help of Broderick Architects, decide

how we would like to proceed in creating our future Parish and School Campus. The final result will be a plan presented to Fr. Crispin for his approval.

4. Don’t we already have a loan for the last project?

Yes we do. In fact that loan has been reduced from $1,635,000 to under $1,200,000. And as we announced in the State of the Parish presentation, our budget now includes funding for regular principal payments on the remaining balance. Much as we personally plan to improve our own homes – whether it be by using funds we have saved for small projects or a home equity loan for larger projects—the Parish must continue to be good and responsible stewards of the resources that have been entrusted to us

5. Does this mean we are going to have a capital campaign?

After we complete the Discovery Workshop and planning process, we will evaluate the financial aspects of the future campus plan and how best to accomplish the plan consistent with the capabilities of the Parish and School. This may include a capital campaign, prudent borrowing, increased annual operating budgets or a combination of all three.

6. What controls will we have in place to be sure that projects are onbudget?

All significant projects are subject to competitive bidding processes, review by the Archdiocesan office of Building and Construction, Finance Commission and Executive Committee. Careful monitoring of performance and billings is in place for all substantial capitalprojects.

7. Why are we doing this now?

We have come to the end of our current Five-year plan. We know that we need visionary planning to support our growing community and ministries. It is time to refresh and update our current plan to reflect that growth. We want to engage the Parish in a consultative process before embarking on any major projects and before we have an emergency on our hands.

8. How can I have input on this process?

Members from all Parish groups will be included in the Discovery Workshop and planning process. The current list of workshop participants is provided below. You may contact any of the people below to make your views known. Also, if you would like to participate in the workshops you are welcome. The requirements are that you:

a. Are a parishioner or school parent;
b. Are able to attend BOTH workshops and,
c. Are willing to participate respectfully and constructively in theworkshops.

9. How will we know the results of the process?

Following the second listening session, a report will be prepared by Broderick Associates and delivered at presentation sessions for the Parish at large. Following thesepresentations,
Fr. Crispin will be presented with the plan for his final review and approval.