
We are looking for volunteers to join our Scrip Team. Even if you can only make time for one or two options throughout the year, it would help us out tremendously.

There are several ways for you to get involved:

Selling: There are weekday and weekend spots open. If you’ve never sold before, we always make sure you are with someone who knows the ropes. We are selling after masses this Sunday, 9/17 (9:15am-12:00pm), in Egan Hall and would love to have your help! Need some motivation? When we sell Scrip at masses, we make on average $400-$500 for the school!

Deliveries: We deliver standing orders to classrooms every week (usually on Fridays). This takes about 30-40 minutes right after drop off and again, we will always pair you with someone who has done it before. This is a great way to interact with St. John’s awesome teachers and learn your way around the school!

Fill standing orders: We generally plan to do this on Thursdays. It takes 1-2 hours during the 1st week of the month (our busiest) and only 30 minutes for most other weeks.

Planning committee: Help us come up with ideas for improving Scrip sales throughout the year, such as school-wide Scrip promotions.

Outreach: Help us maintain our social media presence.

If none of the options above fit into your schedule but you’d still like to help, please email us at — we would love to connect with you to see how you can fit in to our Scrip community.

Thanks so much for your support!
Tricia Kane-Yi and Andrea Vaught
Visit our signupgenius page: