Parish News

  • Advent Wreath Making Event     Sunday, December 3, after the 10:30 Mass in Egan Hall     Join us for our 6th Annual Advent Wreath Making Event. We provide all the supplies to make a wreath for your family. There will be treats, hot cider, and Christmas music to warm you up and a few small crafts for the younger children. No cost to families; a $10 goodwill donation will help cover our costs.
  • Would you or someone you know like to work with the St. John community?     We are currently accepting applications for a full-time position as a custodian/dishwasher to work with the Parish and the School.  Work with great people and serve a wonderful community.  The position includes medical, dental, vision, pension, etc.  Link here for more details and to apply.
  • Help decorate for Christmas!     Please help the Environment Committee inspire the call to worship through beautiful decorations! This Advent season, we are asking you to consider donating to the Altar Flower/Church Environment Fund, in honor of, or in remembrance of someone or something special to you. Honorifics will be gathered together and printed in the Christmas Eve Mass program. The suggested donation is $20, but donations in any amount are welcome. Christmas Flower Donation envelopes are available in the pews at Mass and have been sent with regular stewardship envelopes. Donations can be returned to the parish office or to one of the ushers at weekend masses.
  • Confirmation Meeting     A confirmation information meeting will be held at St. John on December 6, at 7pm.  Students who will be 16 years of age by April 1, and are interested in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation are invited to learn more.  Please contact Kate Brown at or visit our website at