Thank You!
Thank you to the community for participating in so many ways this school year, from our Art Volunteers to our Zoo Escorts and everyone in between. Our community – and your students – are richer for your participation and giving your “fair share.” So many programs would not be possible without volunteers.
- From Mrs. Jody Desclos: “A huge thank you to all the parents who participated in Parent Art this year. The students loved your presentations and projects. Your enthusiasm always generated much energy and creativity. My thanks for the positive care and attention you gave each student. Hoping to see all of you again next fall!”
- Thank you, Tricia Kane-Yi and Andrea Vaught for co-chairing our Scrip program. Your dedication to this program, educating parents who are reluctant to use this no-thought, easy fundraiser, results in over $40,000 annually funding programs that may not exist if not for your efforts.
- Liz Overland and Christine Sourov, thank you for co-chairing Parent Association. Through your efforts, programs remain strong and continue to grow and expand. The addition of the Sweetheart Dance and the Scavenger Hunt, parent education opportunities, and so many behind-the-scene things may go unseen but are definitely felt.
- Thank you for leading our most important fundraiser of the year, the Auction, Karen Gunther Bombino. Words do not begin to thank you for your time and selfless giving.
- Thank you, School Commission members – Molly O’Connor – Chair, Lorna Luebbe, Jane Blaylock, Matt Deines, Dottie Farewell, Patrick Owens, Chris Mandell, Tara Stone, Geeta McCormack, Diana Grusczynski, Mary Wiseman, Karen Gunther Bombino, Liz Overland, Christine Sourov, Tricia Kane-Yi, Andrea Vaught – for giving time throughout the year working together to make St. John School the best it can be. Of course, we also thank our staff members for their time in School Commission – Fr. Crispin Okoth, Bernadette O’Leary, Paul Kelley, and Michele Thornquist.
There are so many more to thank. We will take this opportunity to say “thank you” in advance for saying YES to the call for the new school year. Volunteering is part of your contract commitment to St. John School, part of your Fair Share, and you will receive so much in the giving.