Christmas Eve Children’s Mass

The Christmas Eve Mass is a beloved tradition at St. John.  It’s so popular we have had to add another, earlier mass in recent years just to meet the needs of our community.  With this expansion comes a greater need for support & participation from our families. Can you help?

The parish is seeking a coordinator or team to make this liturgy happen.  If we are unable to find a coordinator, we will not be able to make the special effort to include children in the celebration of the liturgy. The coordinator will partner with a member of the Liturgy Commission to organize participation in the masses and recruit parish children to serve as lectors, ushers, gift bearers, and greeters. Support will be provided to train the child lectors. We have templates and plans for the mass, but we need you to help put it all together. This is a great job for someone who loves liturgy and helping our children participate in the mass!

Please call Julia Rudden in the parish office at 206/782-2810 or e-mail her at for more information.