Campaign Update from Fr. Crispin 6/1

Each time I pass the campaign thermometer I am overcome with gratitude. To me, this is a journey demonstrating the ongoing faith and commitment of our parish and school community. I am deeply thankful for everyone’s generosity and for those still considering their gift.

I am pleased to announce we have raised more than $1.6 million in pledges for the Honor the Past, Embrace the Present, Secure the Future Capital Campaign. We are nearly halfway there! We have received pledges ranging from $50 to $500,000 and every gift brings us closer to our goal. I am overwhelmed by the tremendous support and generosity this campaign has received, but I have to believe we can do more.

For us to reach our goal, we need all families to assume ownership of the campaign and make their sacrificial gift. I pray that everyone will respond to the effort with an open heart and make a meaningful gift that will lead us to a successful effort.

St. John’s has a long history of sacrificial giving, not only in terms of treasure, but also in prayer and ministry. Without the generosity of generations before us, we would not be where we are today. Please reflect on the sacrifices made by so many as you consider your investment in the future of our parish and school.

To continue our generous spirit of giving, I ask that you prayerfully consider a gift meaningful to you. If we continue to come together, as one united faith community, to accomplish the vital work of St. John’s, we will be successful in reaching our goals.

Our volunteers are doing a wonderful job of reaching out to fellow parishioners, answering questions about the campaign, and asking for support. It is not an easy task. Please be kind and receptive to a volunteer’s efforts to get in touch with you.

Finally, as you contemplate your commitment, please remember Jesus’ story of the widow’s offering at the temple (Mark 12: 41-44). After watching the widow place two small coins into the offering, Jesus called together his disciples and said, “Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all the other contributors to the treasury. For they have all contributed from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has contributed all she had, her whole livelihood.”

Baraka ya Yesu,

Fr. Crispin Okoth