Registration / Facilitation for 2018 / 2019

Registration for the upcoming school year begins in just 2 weeks!

  • Families enrolling students in Preschool with NO siblings enrolling for Kindergarten through 8th grade – pick up your registration packet in the school office, beginning Monday, February 5, 8am-4pm.  Packets must be returned by Monday, February 12 in order to be considered for enrollment.
  • State of the School     This is a mandatory meeting for all families enrolling for Kindergarten through 8th grade.  (Families enrolling only a preschooler are welcome, but not required to attend.) Attend one:
    • Tuesday, February 6, 7pm in Egan Hall
    • Thursday, February 8, 8:45am, Egan Hall
    • Thursday, February 8, 7pm, Egan Hall

Facilitation is required for all families enrolling students for Kindergarten through 8th grade.  Preschool siblings – please return PK materials with your other students’ materials at this time.  Come prepared having prayed about your Fair Share.   Sign up for an appointment time at the State of the School meeting.

  • Sunday, February 11, 12pm, Egan Hall
  • Monday, February 12, 5pm, Egan Hall

Do you qualify for pledging tuition as a parish member?     Active parish membership requires families be registered in the parish office and active in the life of the parish for at least six months: Attend Sunday mass regularly; attend the annual State of the Parish presentation (November); be supportive of or involved in one of the many ministries; contribute regularly through the Sunday envelope; annually file a stewardship pledge card with the parish office, and make a consistent effort to meet that pledge.

If you are unsure of your compliance with the requirements listed, please contact Mary Wiseman, 206-782-2810 or