Play Like a Champion Today® Training
PLACT (Play Like a Champion Today®) training for coaches in CYO sports will be held on campus in Egan Hall, Monday, September 17, 6:30-9pm.
- Help us recognize the spiritual nature of sports
- Train youth sport coaches to be effective ministers
- Promote the moral and character development of our youth
CYO Athletics believes that by participating in this training and implementing both what is learned in the session and what is contained in the associated manual, coaches will be empowered in their effectiveness beyond the technical aspects of sports, enhancing their ability to create and maintain the positive environment that will GROW their youth participants.
We are fortunate to have this training at St. John! It’s normally offered at Isaac Orr Conference Center on Capitol Hill which is difficult to get to on a weeknight! Here is an opportunity to complete your training and stay in your own neighborhood! Questions: Contact Jonna Skokan, St. John School P.E. Department/Athletic Director, 206-783-0337,