Parent Association

We would like to thank those who attended the Parent Association meeting last Friday. You all brought renewed excitement and record-setting attendance for our first in-person meeting since February 2020. With this kind of parent support, it is going to be a great year! Meeting notes are available on the Parent Association website.

As the year gets underway, PA teams for each grade are being formed. Thanks to those of you who have already taken a role. If you are interested in joining your grade-level team, check out the descriptions of the four roles that support each grade and sign up here.

We hope you will be joining us at the Back to School BBQ this Friday, September 9, 6-9pm, sponsored by the Parent Association. We are still looking for volunteers, especially food and drink runners. Sign up to help ensure everyone is well-fed and happy during this event! (You do not need to have completed Safe Environment Training to volunteer at this event).

Mark your calendars for the next Parent Association meeting: Friday, October 7, 8:30am. More details to come. Throughout the school year, meetings will normally occur on the first Friday of each month.