In Case You Missed It

Financial Aid, 2023-2024

Financial aid applications are now being accepted through FACTS Management for the 2023-2024 school year. Detailed information can be found here.

Archdiocese Immunization Requirement

If you haven’t done so, please submit a current, state-mandated Certificate of Immunization (CIS) form to Mrs. Q. Additionally, each time your child has an immunization update, please contact Mrs. Q. with the information. This will keep your child’s records current, and you will need not be concerned with violations that may lead to possible state-mandated exclusion from school.

As a reminder, if your child is feeling unwell, please keep them at home, and be sure to inform the school by submitting the attendance form. Let’s continue to keep our community safe and healthy.

November Hot Lunch

 Check out the November menu and order soon. The ordering portal closes on 10/27 at 11:58pm.

Halloween Carnival

Students in grade 8 are excited to host the Halloween Carnival again this year! The carnival will be on Monday, 10/31, 1-3pm. Students in grades 4-7 will escort their younger buddies through Halloween booths set up in the gym. All students may come in costume. Please adhere to our St. John dress code: costumes must be respectful, modest and allow for safe movement. Please leave weapons at home. Details can be found here.