Middle School Musical Update

The Middle School Musical, Frozen, Jr., is about halfway through rehearsals! We are in need of an adult with some sound or AV knowledge who could be our team lead for the Sound Crew. The person would need to come to rehearsals Monday-Thursday, 3-5pm from February 21-28, and be available for performances March 1-3. We have several 8th-grade ‘veterans’ on the Sound Crew this year, so you will not be starting from scratch. If you know someone interested in this great Fair Share volunteer opportunity, please email Kari Aguila at kaguila@st-johnschool.org.

We have several people signed up to be sponsors of the theater program! Please consider supporting theater at St. John! Get your sponsorship forms in by February 1 to be included in the marketing and promotional materials for Frozen, Jr.

Want to see some of our hard work? Here’s a short video of the students learning a big kick line at the end of a song. It’s going to be great!