Parish News

Parish Stewardship End of Year Parish Tax Statements Coming the Week of 2/5

Asante sana to all of you who have supported St. John Parish financially this past year; it is greatly appreciated! You should see your End of Year Giving Statements for 2023 in your mailbox next week.

That being said, we have just switched over to a brand new database, and we are still working on getting the bugs out. Your statement will also look different than in past years and include an itemized record of all your tax-deductible payments. Thank you for your patience as we navigate generating the statements for the first time using this new system.

Please feel free to contact Teresa Gillett at the Parish Office, 206-782-2810, ext. 355 or with any questions or concerns you may have.

Make Altar Serving a Part of Your Lenten Journey

During Lent, we will have training sessions for children in grades 4 and up every weekend from February 17 to March 25. If you are interested in serving this ministry, please attend one of the training sessions offered on Saturdays at 4:15pm or Sundays after the 10:30am Mass in the church. That’s February 17, 24, March 2, 9, 16, and 23 at 4:15pm and February 18, 25, March 3, 10, 17 and 24 at 11:30am. Questions? Please contact Laura Root

Host an International Student

URGENT! PSE ( is urgently seeking a host family for a German exchange student, Hannes. He is Catholic, 15-years-old and enjoys all sports (especially basketball) and math. He is currently attending Ballard High School for the Spring Semester 2024 and needs a placement no later than 2/19/24. Click here for more information.

Sixth Annual Fat Tuesday Fish Fry 

Please join St. John’s Knights of Columbus for their Sixth Annual Fat Tuesday Fish Fry at Egan Hall, 123 N. 79th St. Seattle, WA 98103 on February 13, 2024. This year, we will be offering BOTH dinners to-go as well as in-house dining. To ensure everyone gets hot food and does not have to wait too long, the Knights ask that you and your family sign up for a particular timeslot to get your dinners. The Knights will be distributing dinners in half-hour blocks of time starting at 5pm. Once you and your family have received your dinners, feel free to take it home, or join us in Egan Hall to eat as a community! To decrease the impact on our neighbors, we ask that everyone please park in the parking lot and walk over to Egan Hall to pick up your dinnersPlease sign up online here. Click here for more information.