Parish Community Events

Saturday Social

Do you or your kids have some burning questions about the Church, faith, St. John or anything at all? Spend some time socializing and getting to know your fellow parishioners by joining Father Crispin for snacks and fellowship at our Saturday Social where all are welcome after the 5pm Mass, February 10 in the Parish Admin Building.

Friday Night Lenten Soup Suppers Are Coming Up!

Come one, come all! The parish will be hosting two Soup Suppers in Egan Hall during Lent on February 23 and on March 22. What better way to experience Lent than to come together as a community and share a simple meal? More details to come, but mark your calendars now.

We can always use help! If you would like to assist with the suppers, provide soup or bread or have any questions, please contact Teresa Gillett at the Parish Office, 206-782-2810 ex355, or email

Middle School Game Night

Families, attend 5pm Mass on Saturday, February 24, and then Middle School Students are invited to Egan Hall after Mass for a night of pizza and games. Kids, bring your favorite tabletop (card or board) game to share. Students are encouraged to participate in the 5pm Saturday, February 24 Mass as lectors and usher helpers. Sign up here to participate in Mass. Pizza will be served around 6:30pm, and parents will need to pick up their children by 8:30pm. Sign up here to RSVP for Middle School Game Night.

Please note this event is for grades 6-8 only. Cell phones must stay out of sight and will be collected if used during the event. Donations to cover the costs of these events are always appreciated. You may contribute to the St. John Venmo here

Faith Sharing Groups

Faith-sharing groups are back. With Lent just around the corner, this is a great time to reflect on your faith with others, share ideas, personal revelations, and enjoy a little bit of fellowship. Meetings will take place once a week. All are welcome for part or all of Lent. Please see the signup for details including days and locations, or call the Parish Office, 206-782-2810.