Oh Joy!

Dear Families,

The smiling faces, hugs, and cheerful classes all indicate that our students are happy to be back to school! Over the past few days they have been learning the expectations and procedures and the new routines. Having recess before lunch is a big change! Having many important school dates on your calendars is a big change for you! September is a busy month. First there is Curriculum Night! It is important that you attend so you know the expectations of your child. Tonight the parents of middle school students will experience an abridged version of a day in the life of a middle school student. They will report to their child’s homeroom teacher at 6:45pm and then ‘attend’ all the classes that their child attends. Next week, on Thursday September 10, we meet the parents of the children in Kindergarten through Grade 5.

Speaking of meeting people, I hope you have had a chance to meet our new teacher, Mrs. Abby Mansfield in third grade and our new assistants, Mrs. Shannon Manley in third grade, and Mr. TJ Breysse in second grade. I introduced you to them in previous communications. Our community has grown even more.  I am very pleased to announce that Miss Maria Tsagalakis will join the faculty as the new PE teacher. Miss Tsagalakis is a graduate of Washington State University and a seasoned soccer coach and camp counselor. She already knows and loves St. John! Mr. William Burns is a new assistant teacher in the Extended Daycare morning preschool program. Mr. Burns is also coaching at Bishop Blanchet High School in the afternoons. He has been a kindergarten assistant teacher, and is planning to return to college to become a teacher.

Important Dates: Jog-A-Thon and Carnival! This all happens on Friday, September 18. The children will come home very excited about it tomorrow after we have the Jog-A-Thon Kick Off assembly! It is time to get those sponsors and support for St. John School!
Our focus for professional development this summer was on serving diverse learners for the good of all learners. Our mission, and our faith, calls us to ensure that we offer the best possible opportunity for learning to our students. We discussed and will be implementing strategies not only for developing our students’ academic strengths, but also to support their emotional, behavioral and mental health needs. We are also beginning our self-study for re-accreditation, and that also calls us to examine how we help all students achieve. During the 2015-2016 school year, the school will involve all of its shareholders – faculty, staff, parents, students, and parishioners – in this process using a specific protocol outlined by the Western Catholic Educational Association (WCEA). In the spring of 2017, a Visiting Committee from WCEA will review our Self Study document, including our Action Plan for ongoing improvement, and will determine our accreditation status for the next six years. We welcome your support, your feedback, and your prayers for the success of this process and your first opportunity is coming right up! We kick off the process with a very important Shareholders (that’s you) meeting during which you give your input on the St. John School, Mission Statement and Student Learning Expectations for the next six years. This meeting will be held on September 29 at 7pm and facilitated by Assistant Superintendent Kristin Dixon. Please mark it on your calendars.
God Bless,
Bernadette O’Leary, Principal