Uniform Exchange & Sale Tuesday 8/16

Dennis Uniform has sent its apologies for missing our previously scheduled uniform sale.  A 15% discount will be applied to all orders placed at the on campus sale.

Dennis Uniform Sale & Exchange
Tuesday 8/16  4:00 to 6:00 PM
School Courtyard

SCRIP will be available for purchase and Parent Association reps will be on hand to answer your questions.  Check out the school uniform policy.  If you can’t make it, you can visit our Dennis Uniform page.

Lisa Longton/Uniform Exchange lmlongton@gmail.com
Karen Bombino/Scrip stjohnscrip@st-johnschool.org
Barb Folger/Parent Assoc. barbara.borst.folger@gmail.com
Nancy Alton/Parent Assoc. nancya@altonworks.com