From the Principal – Service
This week we are praying especially for all those who served in the United States Armed Forces. The students are learning about Veterans Day in their classes and sharing stories of friends and relatives who are among those we honor for their service. May God bless and protect our Veterans. All three masses this weekend will honor the veterans in our lives.
Our students are also serving in so many ways. They are empowered disciples who help our neighbors in need. The students have been at WestSide Baby and St. Vincent de Paul central branches, helping to sort and serve. They are collecting food and baby goods for both organizations. Thank you for your support! Middle School students are also serving the homeless at Christ Our Hope Church and St. James, learning more about the Catholic Social Teaching, the mission of the church, and what it takes to live out our Gospel values.
You are empowered disciples who do your part in the parish! Thank you to all who attended the State of the Parish on Sunday! This is also service and stewardship. It was a very informative presentation with good news of solid progress in our parish. If you are registered in the parish and have not yet been able to attend the presentation, there is one more opportunity at 7pm on Tuesday, November 29. This is a requirement for parish members pledging tuition on an in-parish contract. Fair Share only works when we all do our part!
Doing our part includes volunteering with and donating to the auction! The auction supports our ability to be a Fair Share school. This coming Wednesday, November 16, marks the first day to drop off procurement items! The 80’s Prom Night is just around the corner!
Please join me in congratulating Leigh Lunning, our second grade assistant. Mrs. Lunning has been pursuing her teaching credentials over the past two years and she has been offered the opportunity to put all that training into practice in her own classroom! As of this coming Monday, Mrs. Lunning is the new 4th grade teacher at St. George School. Today was her last day at St. John. I have already posted the assistant position and I will keep you informed.
School is not in session tomorrow; pray for our Veterans.
God Bless,
Berndette O’Leary